Geo Quiz

I fancy myself good at geography. I took this quiz, and are my results: 35 out of 50 states perfect, average error 27 miles, 70% in 494 sec.

Via GrrlScientist.


More like this

34/50 68% 272sec 42 miles

Wyoming? Fuggidaboudit.

By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

i've been through that part of the country a few times, so it wasn't that hard. i was screwed up in the southeast mostly....

I think Katrina coverage gave me a recent refresher on that region.

By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

The ones around the edges are much easier to place, since they are like jigsaw pieces...

I got 29 of 50 perfect, average error 110 miles, 58%, 413 seconds.

All the mid-West states were way off, and some of the inland mid-atlantic ones.

razib: Shame on you. I did this some time ago and got 47/50 and an average error of less than 5 miles. I did it right now and got a near-perfect score.

razib: Shame on you. I did this some time ago and got 47/50 and an average error of less than 5 miles. I did it right now and got a near-perfect score.

wow! are you serious? how long did it take?

Well I am a geography nut and have been or passed through most of these states. I think it took 400 plus something seconds.