Virginia is for (Straight, White, and Christian) Lovers

Ah, how exciting it is for Democrats. So much so that they forgive and/or forget moral lapses elsewhere, such as that old Virginia trick of state-sponsored discrimination. To avoid such easy ignorance, The World's Fair's Gift Shop and Haberdashery proudly links to the next great T-Shirt, available here (and courtesy of J.L.).


Go wild, buy a dozen. They make a great holiday gift.

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should have added at the end "who are married", since unmarried couples are just as hurt and affected by this amendment as married couples.

I have straight friends who are "married" but not on paper. The reason they aren't is that she is on Social Security Disability, a benefit she would lose if she was married because his income, while not enough to sustain them, is just enough to push her out of that bracket for receiving the benefit.

If they lived in Virginia, the legal contracts they signed giving each other power of attorney would be null and void to the state, even though they are perfectly legal to their dealings with the federal government.

This loophole may be the one thing that undoes the amendment - it takes contracts that are legal and recognized by federal law and nullifies them for the state, and the federal courts tend not to like that and may strike the thing down as a violation of the 10th and 14th amendments of the u.s. constitution.

but to get there, somebody has to be hurt by having the amendment applied against them. AND have the money and knowledge to fight it.

By Joe Shelby (not verified) on 09 Nov 2006 #permalink

Hi sir,

It is humbly requested from the depth of my heart.
That we are working on an album of christian hymns
The lyrics of these hymns are not simply the words
But the biblical verses have been modified so it is
Actualy a pure message from the Bible.
Therefore we want to picturize these hymns in
The beautiful and splender churches
We want some other ancient locations to picturise
to make our album a fully blessed and annointed for
our viewers and listeners.we have no sourses to complete
this album
We need your kind help and cooperation in this regard.

Warm regard

By tariq yousaf (not verified) on 17 Jul 2012 #permalink