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August 7, 2006
Krauze has a post up at Telic Thoughts that responds, at least in part, to my post accusing Rob Crowther of dishonesty in his post about Paul Nelson and Karen Armstrong's misquote of him. I didn't mince words. I accused Crowther of telling a baldfaced lie and I stand behind that accusation now.…
August 7, 2006
Bleu Copas is the latest in a long line of arabic-speaking military personnel - something we have an enormous shortage of - to be discharged for being gay. ABC News covered his story, and the video can be viewed here. He makes a very important point. At a time when the military has been scrambling…
August 7, 2006
Terrence at the Republic of T has a post up that details a rash of anti-gay violence around the US lately. The list includes a gay man in New Mexico beaten and brutalized for hours by two thugs; thankfully the men have been caught and charged. It includes three punks beating up 6 people as they…
August 7, 2006
Warning: this post contains spoilers Day 5 saw some big names come and go. Annie Duke busted out in 88th place. She lost a huge hand with pocket kings and that crippled her. She managed to stick around another couple hours after that, but couldn't catch a hand. Jeffrey Lisandro is still in the top…
August 7, 2006
The Indiana state Supreme Court rejected an appeal of a lower court decision that paves the way for gay adoptions in that state. Bravo.
August 7, 2006
Sen. Rick Santorum has been consistently behind in the polls in his race against Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, and it looks like they're getting really desperate. They're trying anything they can to siphon support from Casey, including helping the Green Party candidate, Carl Romanelli. Paul Kiel…
August 7, 2006
Via Jody Wheeler comes this story about Guy Adams, one of the national directors of Alan Keyes' Renew America, making this insane claim in a radio interview: "Anyway... we were talking about homosexuality and basically about how a lot of homosexuals are beginning to have sex with animals and…
August 6, 2006
PZ Myers posted a response to Paul Nelson's post, in addition to mine. He goes into some aspects of the post that I did not go into, and does so quite well. I find nothing in it to disagree with. And thanks to John Rennie of Scientific American for citing both essays. Rennie says that his position…
August 6, 2006
Warning: This post contains spoilers. Do not click on it if that will bother you. Well, the main event is down to the final 135 players, predictably containing few big names. Daniel Negreanu managed to finish in the top 300 or so after some wild swings. On day 3, he was one of the early chip…
August 6, 2006
Rob Crowther, the DI's head spin doctor, has this post at the DI media complaints division. It's absolutely stunning how flagrantly these guys can lie. He writes: Today there is another urban myth building up a head of steam, and being helped along by Darwinists, about Discovery Fellow Paul Nelson…
August 5, 2006
From a recent comedy special: I was at home one night, sitting in a beanbag chair naked, eating cheetos. And I had the TV on and I was watching Robert Tilton, this evengelist from Texas. And he said, "Are you lonely right now?" Yeah, I am. "Have you wasted your life drinking in bars and nightclubs…
August 5, 2006
I watched part of the NFL Hall of Fame induction ceremony today and was particularly interested in the induction of Warren Moon. Moon is the first black quarterback in the modern era to be inducted into the hall of fame, but he surely won't be the last. He helped pave the way for guys like Daunte…
August 5, 2006
Volokh has a post about an ongoing legal battle for custody involving two state courts. Here's the backstory, from a Vermont Supreme Court ruling: Lisa and Janet lived together in Virginia for several years in the late 1990's. In December 2000, the parties traveled to Vermont and entered into a…
August 5, 2006
Here's a great youtube clip of ESPN bloopers. At about the 1:55 mark is the worst national anthem ever sung, by Carl Lewis. Still breathtakingly painful after all these years.
August 5, 2006
Paul Nelson has an interesting post at IDtheFuture following up on the the Kansas hearings and the relative importance of such things in the long run. I actually tend to agree with much of what he says. And despite the fact that I pointed to his statement as an example of trivializing what was so…
August 4, 2006
As if we didn't have enough to worry about with our own government trying to increase its control over the internet, the Senate yesterday ratified a treaty that requires us to enforce the laws of other countries. Referred to as the Cybercrime Treaty, this agreement requires the US to cooperate with…
August 4, 2006
Media Matters has an excellent entry about the latest false claim from the anti-gay crowd - the notion that there are 10,000 studies that show that gay parents are bad for children. This is the equivalent of so many fake quotes from the founding fathers, or false creationist claims, in that the…
August 4, 2006
I'm going to reprint here the email I just sent to Jay Stephenson. He sent me an email inviting me on his radio show, which I declined, but I sent him a long reply and I think it hits on some important points on our overall disagreement. Jay is clearly the most reasonable person at StoptheACLU, and…
August 4, 2006
Perhaps I should say lack of depth, since, like most political partisans, they rarely look beyond the surface level of immediate reaction to really think about an issue. This post is a textbook example, where John Bambenek declares a simple double standard: Compare and contrast these two cases: The…
August 4, 2006
I saw this comment over at Dembski's blog, in Borofsky's post where he misquotes himself, and it cracked me up. I can't tell whether the commenter really means it, or whether it's a clever parody. And I'm not sure which would be funnier: You shouldn't be too surprised at the attention you are…
August 4, 2006
The Washington Post reports on a draft of the administration's proposal for how to structure the military tribunals. In stunning form, the proposal turns out to be a means of adding entirely new executive powers that we've never seen before: A draft Bush administration plan for special military…
August 3, 2006
Another STACLU contributor, John Bambenek, has jumped into the dispute over HR 2679 and the fee shifting provisions in establishment clause cases. Naturally, he's for ending such fee shifting, but I don't think his argument is at all consistent. Here's his argument: However, the money schools have…
August 3, 2006
The fact that it's not all that easy to tell should frighten us. If it wasn't in The Onion, I'm not sure we'd know: In a decisive 1-0 decision Monday, President Bush voted to grant the president the constitutional power to grant himself additional powers. "As president, I strongly believe that my…
August 3, 2006
In reviewing the google analytics stats for this blog, I find that July was a record month with 173,024 hits. That's an average of 5581 hits per day, and that's even with the long 4th of July weekend that had lower than normal hits. The weekends are always slower, with around 3000 hits a day, so…
August 3, 2006
An admitted pedophile in Ohio is actually trying to make the argument in court that having sex with children is protected under the free exercise clause because it's part of the doctrine of the religion he invented. A man accused of sexually assaulting nine boys with physical or mental…
August 3, 2006
Minor spoilers to be found here. The event is far from over, but I do mention some of the players who are still alive and some chip counts. Read at your own peril The split field days are done at the WSOP main event and today is a day off for all the players. On Friday, all of the players remaining…
August 3, 2006
It seems that Joel Borofsky, Dembski's research assistant, is feeling a bit of heat over his comments about the Kansas science standards being "ID in disguise". He felt the need to post a long message at UD saying that he speaks only for himself and not for the ID movement. We knew that, of course…
August 3, 2006
STACLU has a post up accusing Justice Ginsburg of having a conflict of interest for ruling in a case involving the ACLU because she used to work as an attorney for them. Quoting another blogger, they ask the following question: Is it proper that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg - a former…
August 3, 2006
I just encountered a new argument against allowing gay/straight alliance clubs in schools, or at least it's one I've never seen before. It comes from a guy running for attorney general in Georgia, who is upset that a Federal judge in Georgia ruled that a school there had to allow such a club (as…
August 3, 2006
Here's an interesting comment from Dembski explaining why ID advocates don't just "get to work" producing research that might confirm their views: What have you experienced at the hands of scientific materialists? Are you aware of the Sternberg case? The pressures directed against frontline ID…