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July 28, 2006
Here's an update on the Hovind trial. When arrested, he was forced to turn over his passport and stay in that judicial district. He asked the court to allow him to travel to South Africa for a preaching tour but the court agreed with prosecutors that he is a flight risk. That seems obvious to me,…
July 28, 2006
You gotta hand it to the military for having their priorities straight. With a long track record of white supremacist groups stealing military equipment and giving it to their KKK buddies, they still won't do anything to break up a network of such people operating at military bases around the…
July 28, 2006
Jon Rowe noticed that Roy Moore is now writing for the Worldnutdaily too, but he went into a lot more detail on the many problems with Moore's legal theories. Well worth reading.
July 28, 2006
And you thought that only creationists denied a well established theory? Think again. Tara has attracted the attention of someone who denies the germ theory of disease: Do some research Tara. Then you will be ready to start from scratch again, forget the germ theory nonsense and become a real…
July 28, 2006
Florence King, longtime National Review contributor and one of my all time favorite writers, has unsheathed her tongue and taking a lashing to Ann Coulter. It's a joy to behold. I like this paragraph in particular: At her best, Coulter writes well, but the chief source of her success is that she is…
July 28, 2006
Gribbit is proving to be the political equivalent of Old Faithful - every 8 minutes or so, you can be assured that he's going to spew some utter nonsense into the air. His latest concerns HR 2679, the bill that would eliminate legal fee reimbursement for establishment clause cases. In it, he…
July 27, 2006
Some of you may be familiar with the games that have gone on between billionaire banker Andy Beal and some of the top poker players in the world in Las Vegas. There is a book out about them now called The Professor, the Banker and the Suicide King, by Michael Craig. The professor refers to Howard…
July 27, 2006
St. Paul police cited the 81-year-old father of Sen. Norm Coleman and a female companion after officers reported seeing them engaged in a sex act in the parking lot of a popular pizzeria. A person passing Red Savoy's Pizza at 421 E. Seventh St. called police about 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and said two…
July 27, 2006
There is an amusing thread going on over at Dembski's blog concerning the religious views of Howard Van Till, who recently made available this speech that he gave to the West Michigan Freethought Association. Howard is a friend and a fellow board member of Michigan Citizens for Science; he is also…
July 27, 2006
It seems that DaveScot isn't the only one credulous enough to fall for the "ACLU stops soldiers from praying" hoax. The STACLU Montana chapter did too. Skepticism: the gift that keeps on giving.
July 27, 2006
Someone named Greg Scott, writing at the famously misnamed Intellectual Conservative site, is up in arms about a New York Times report about the increasing number of neo-nazis and skinhead racists in the US military. That article was based on a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which cited…
July 27, 2006
As if this story couldn't get any more bizarre, you've got to see the website of Yehuda Levin's group, Jews for Morality. It hasn't been updated in a long time, but it has information about last year's event that they tried mightily to stop. At last year's parade, one lunatic jumped into the parade…
July 27, 2006
In what looks like a fit of bravado, Dembski has once again reiterated his responsibility for any mistakes in the evolution chapters of Ann Coulter's new book. He's essentially saying "bring it on": In April I announced on this blog Ann Coulter's then forthcoming book GODLESS (go here). There I…
July 27, 2006
Here's a twist on the legal debate over school voucher programs. Maine has a school voucher program for people from small towns that don't have public schools, a program that goes back over a century. In 1980, however, the law was amended to forbid the vouchers from being used at religious…
July 27, 2006
The Ohio Supreme Court, following in the steps of the Michigan court last year, has struck a strong blow against eminent domain abuse in that state. They ruled that economic development was not a legal reason to force people to give up their homes, halting a major development project in the process…
July 27, 2006
I'll be out of town all morning on business, but I've got lots of bloggy goodness lined up and scheduled to post this morning. Enjoy.
July 26, 2006
Another state court, Washington this time, has upheld their state's ban on gay marriage. This ruling was long awaited, to the tune of 17 months since the case was actually heard. I haven't read the ruling yet, and probably won't get to until tomorrow, but Dale Carpenter has his usual thorough and…
July 26, 2006
This blogger says something that can't be said often enough: One thing that would really improve political discourse, and maybe even lead to some better results, would be for all of us to stop oversimplifying issues. Our culture has fallen into a bad habit of trying to turn nearly every subject…
July 26, 2006
Jack Krebs has posted the entire speech he gave the other day analyzing the proposed Kansas science standards, including the full powerpoint presentation and mp3s of the speech itself. He explains why "critical analysis of evolution" or "scientific criticism of evolution" is nothing more than a…
July 26, 2006
The 5th amendment guarantees that property may not be taken for public use without just compensation. Radley Balko has a textbook example of how governments play games with compensation in eminent domain cases. A government agency in Tacoma, Washington is trying to buy up land for a parking lot.…
July 26, 2006
In the midst of a drought, the Lubbock, Texas city council and county commission are expected to adopt resolutions asking residents there to pray for rain. Here's what amuses me about this: if they adopted a resolution asking Indian leaders to come to city hall to perform a rain dance, the good…
July 26, 2006
Last week it was announced that Julie and Hillary Goodridge, the lesbian couple whose lawsuit prompted the Massachusetts court decision and launched our ongoing national debate over gay marriage, were breaking up. The moment I read this, I knew we'd be subjected to a string of "A ha! We told you so…
July 26, 2006
Folks, we might be witness to an earth-shattering event: the Worldnutdaily actually printed a column that makes sense. I know, I know, it doesn't seem possible. But it's true. Read this column by Walter Williams, which bashes Congress for passing a bill to ban internet gambling (only the House has…
July 26, 2006
Mark Creech of the Christian Action League of North Carolina is none too happy with the state judge who struck down that state's cohabitation law last week. His reasoning is, predictably, quite weak. For example: Judge Alford's decision was judicial activism at its best. The state's lawyers rightly…
July 26, 2006
(Ex-)Judge Roy Moore is joining the Worldnutdaily as a columnist. Is it bad that I'm positively giddy at the news?
July 26, 2006
Remember playing tag as a kid, when you had that one spot that was "safe"? If you had your hand on a certain tree, then you could not be tagged 'it'. The Bush administration seems to be treating national security largely as the safe spot, arguing that as long as they claim something is necessary…
July 25, 2006
With the change in color scheme for Science Blogs, I thought a change in the banner to better match the new scheme was in order. Jeff Hebert, who designed the original banner, was once again kind enough to do several rounds of modifications for me until we got one that I really liked. So thanks to…
July 25, 2006
It always amuses me just how powerful the anti-gay loonies think homosexuality is. It's so powerful that it causes the very tectonic plates to crash together, causing earthquakes in San Francisco. It causes the weather patterns to change, causing hurricanes in Florida and New Orleans. And all of…
July 25, 2006
I've written several times about the attempts by anti-gay Jews, Christians and Muslims to join forces in stopping a gay pride event in Jerusalem scheduled for the next couple weeks. Turns out that the outbreak of war with Hezbollah and Hamas was enough to actually do that: This year's GLBT…
July 25, 2006
Living the Scientific Life has the press release from the Union of Concerned Scientists that details a study on government manipulation of science at the FDA. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) today released survey results that demonstrate pervasive and dangerous political influence of…