I'm Back

Sorry for the absence. Between travel, catching up from travel, and preparing manuscripts, I've been slow to blog. I'm back now, but still busy.

Meanwhile, I've been enjoying cectic's comics immensely. I can no longer figure out who in my RSS feed linked these strips, but they are awesome!

Case in point, anyone want to venture a guess who this refers to?


More like this

God is the puddle?

Thanks. I found his work at http://cectic.com and looked backwards. There are many real gems.

It's a crank, get it? Overemphasizing the power of their arguments and threat to legitimate science.

Just listen to Denyse O'Leary routinely decry the end of Darwinism sometime.

I don't know. I'm more fond of this one:

By Another Anonym… (not verified) on 24 Oct 2007 #permalink