World Chess Championship Begins on Saturday!


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Oh to have been in Sofia, Bulgaria right now...

or not.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 22 Apr 2010 #permalink

My science and religion posts seem to get a lot more comments than my chess and math posts. I wonder why that is?

..the queens we use would not excite you.

Any suggestions on software to teach someone chess? My uncle wants to learn chess and he waited until he was 67 to ask. His birthday is coming up and I would like to get him started.

Yes, I am very excited about it.

@Evan: Fritz is good for learning chess I guess or Rybka. For the latter you probably should get the chess base interface though. Of course it would be the best to find out about the local chess club and go there. Usually there are people of all kind of playing strengths around and people are usually happy to play with novices too. Good luck!