Ever wondered about the neighbours?

I stumbled on this amazingly useful website just now, when trying to work out who our nearest extragalactic neighbours were (and what they were getting up to - it seems we are the cause of a lot of domestic disputes). Called "Atlas of the Universe" it has a "powers of ten" (except for our local supercluster, which is 20) zoom out from our local star to the entire visible universe. Very cool.

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Beautiful art. Wish I could do that. Interesting find. So we have a galaxy right below us. "Sagittarius Dwarf" Galaxy

Beautiful find! I found a link to the Hubble ultra-deep field picture. Talk about a dose of reality...this universe is definitely not "made for humanity".


So we have a galaxy right below us. "Sagittarius Dwarf" Galaxy

Ah, hemispheric chauvinism lives...it's right above John. We definitely need to show more "South Pole at top maps".

It's right above John? I hope he has an umbrella.


"hemispheric chauvinism lives...it's right above John."

Please translate Gibberish to plain English when posting.

"It's right above John? I hope he has an umbrella."

You know why there's no significant numbers of creationists frequenting this, or any other evolutionary "science" blog? Because some might perceive the atmosphere as "unfriendly". Or, does that need to be broken down into any plainer English for you?

"Beautiful find! I found a link to the Hubble ultra-deep field picture."

So, it's a photograph is it?

Actually, it's relatively easy to create such images of space when you cross 3-D Max with Photoshop. I've been thinking of investing in Adobe After Effects, but haven't done so yet.
These days, the artificial images are easily mistaken for the actual photographs, and vis versa, so my bad.

Speaking of space and on-topic of the universe, I remarked to my daughter earlier this week, about the disasters we've seen on our home planet here, in recent months. Religious leaders have trouble explaining to faithful adherents, why God allows catastrophes like Hurricanes, Tornados and Tsunami. We live on a violent planet, like any of our neighbors. I asked her to use her reasoning, 'would it be God punishing, if she were to stand on the moon, and die for lack of oxygen? Or, be crushed to death by the gravitational force on Jupiter. Or, freeze to death from the blizzard-like temperature on Pluto. We simply live on a planet, which is becoming increasingly unfriendly due to global warming.

Speaking of Jupiter, an issue John raised recently on elsewhere newsgroup...
another storm has evolved.

"Red Spot Junior is roughly half the size of its famous cousin, but its winds blow just as strong. This mighty new storm formed between 1998 and 2000 from the merger of three long-enduring white ovals, each a similar storm system at a smaller scale, which had been observed for at least 60 years. But it was not until February 27th of this year that Philippine amateur astronomer Christopher Go discovered that the colour of the newly formed white oval had turned brick red. Astronomers were witnessing the birth of a new red spot."

I ask myself, why God is unleashing so much of his ghastly wrath there? Up to two storms now, potentially lasting for centuries? Do atheists and homosexuals populate Jupiter?