You're a bunch of monkeez!!!

This is a really enjoyable YOUTUBE.....


More like this

We are NOT monkeys. We're apes.

By CaptainMike (not verified) on 12 Oct 2006 #permalink

Well, no, we are more than monkies.

Ever seen what a mother dog does to the baby dog that doesn't fit in?

Ever seen what monkeys themselves do to monkeys that don't want to fit in?

Go watch the nature documentaries.

By HumbleLife (not verified) on 12 Oct 2006 #permalink

CaptainMike, monkey is a paraphyletic taxon composed of old world monkeys (OWM) and new world monkeys (NWM). The OWM are closer relatives to the apes than the NWM (ie, NWM are the outgroup). We have two options: include apes in the taxon monkey, or abandon monkey as a taxon(instead using OWM and NWM).

So, yes, we are monkeys. Monkeys without tails.

Honestly, humans are just freakishly deformed lobe-finned fishes.

The best YouTube EVAH! It's nice to see so many truths piled into one quick and simple monologue, and it comes with pretty pictures and snazzy music to keep us from losing interest (as monkeys are apt to do). Thanks for sharing that!

Oh, and HumbleLife, all you have to do is watch the news to see humans doing those same things: killing their own offspring, using their own babies as weapons in domestic disputes, using their intelligence to wipe out whole groups of other humans, killing each other for money and possessions, hurting each other because they're different, and the list goes on. We act out our primitive nature just like every other animal does, only we tend to wrap it up in pretty paper and bows made from our intellect so it's harder to recognize as animalistic. But it is.

Thanks RPM. I learn something new every day, except March 12th, 1998.

By CaptainMike (not verified) on 12 Oct 2006 #permalink

Here we come
walkin down the street
get the funniest looks from
everyone we meet
Hey, hey we're the lobe-finned fishes...