Best cities for singles

Matt Yglesias pointed to this Forbes list of best cities for singles. Shouldn't one observe that the best city for men might not be the best city for women, and vice versa??? (sex ratio differences) Below the fold is the famous "singles map" from a few years back....


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not to mention whether or not the men are seeking men or the women seeking women. los angeles seems to be a great place for male homosexuals, while nyc apparently seems to be a great place for lesbians (lipstick or otherwise is unclear). The other interesting thing about that map is that the major east coast cities all have more women, and the west coast cities have more men. do you have any ideas why?

Interesting that California seems to be so out of step with the nation, in terms of being filled with single men. I wonder how many of those single men are immigrants from Latin America, whose wives, girlfriends, sisters, etc are back in the home country ...

I note from a numerical ranking little Providence, RI came in at #15, while the easily predicted Boston #2 and NYC #1 took the top honors.

As far as male-male, I can give you my take. Providence rocks if you're gay. In the Boston area it's Jamaica Plain.

The Mississippi seems to be the great divider. Go West young man? Seems the young man should be headed East if they are looking for good odds in the mating market. Anyone have any clues as to why this is so?

Easier living on the East coast. Easier living = more chicks.

By scepticus (not verified) on 02 Aug 2009 #permalink