New Insect Wallpapers

I've created a set of desktop wallpapers to fit the newer 1680 x 1050 widescreen monitors. To put any of the following on your desktop, click on the image. Once the large version loads to your browser, right-click and select "Set as desktop background."






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Ted- Perhaps you should see some sort of specialist about this mandible fixation of yours. ;)

Thanks Alex.

That Dinoponera pic is one of the best conversation starters ever!

Thanks for sharing!

Hey Alex,

Thanks for these images. I particularly like your images of the Polyrhachis and the Harpy.


By Dave General (not verified) on 22 Feb 2009 #permalink

Thank you ! Nice Wallpapers !

But I have a 24' with a resolution of 1920*1200

Can you do Wallpapers more bigger ? (Just if you want :o) )



Absolutely gorgeous work Alex! Your photos continue to maze me. Wonderful work!

By Henry W. Robison (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Thanks guys! I'm glad you like them.

Henri- email me and I can send you a version for your screen size.

Quick question: why do the Pseudomyrmex have their abdomens curled under? They are stinging ants so I would have though the abdomen would not be as protected (?).

New to really considering ants closely so the questions seem to bubble forth.



Good question. When ants sting, they usually anchor themselves first by biting with their mandibles, like this.

These ants aren't protecting their abdomens but holding them in attack position, their sting forward near their mandibles so that they can execute their bite-sting routine quickly. Most of the ants on the tree did not hold themselves like this except around certain thorns, which I presume are full of brood. Having me snooping around put them on guard even more than usual.