Introducing Dr Peter Janiszewski!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Peter (aka Dr Janiszewski) successfully defended his doctoral thesis this morning!  As usual the presentation was excellent, and the reviewers all seemed quite impressed with the work in general.  With any luck he will have some time to share his thoughts later this week.  And in case anyone was wondering, Obesity Panacea was actually mentioned positively in several of the questions!

I couldn't be prouder of Peter and the work he has done during his PhD, please join me in congratulating him!


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Congratulations. I look forward to hearing about it.

By ABradford (not verified) on 27 Apr 2010 #permalink

You did it!! Congratulations!!!! :)

By Katie Chan (not verified) on 27 Apr 2010 #permalink

Congratulations Dr. Janiszewski, that's a huge accomplishment! I'm new to the blog, but as a researcher just entering the field I've been very inspired by your work. I can't wait to read more from you both.

Congrats, Peter!!

By Caitlin Mason (not verified) on 27 Apr 2010 #permalink


HUUUUUGE! Sincere congrats!

Congrats Dr. Peter. Very exciting news.


Way to go, Dr. J! I wish I could have been there for your defense.

Congrats! It's a long road, and you did it!

congrats. May you have lots of fame and fortune or at least a decent travel allowance.

Congratulations Peter! You deserve it! :)

Way to go Peter, many congratulations!

Niiiice. Good for you Dr. Peter!

From the bottom of my heart - thank you to all for the wonderful comments! I am a bit emotional at the moment on account of prolonged stress and lack of sleep:) I was just discussing with my partner Marina how it hasn't yet hit me that it is all over and that I actually FINALLY got the PhD. But coming on here and seeing all these encouraging comments from friends, colleagues, and all the fantastic people I've only known virtually through the blog - that makes it seem real. Not to mention the snazzy banner ad advertising my degree completion on the top right hand conrner of ScienceBlogs - thanks Erin!:) Thanks so much to everyone for being part of this process - this blog, and everything stemming from it, has helped me in more ways than one to successfuly complete my PhD.

I am currently exhausted (slept ~3hrs), but will post a full post-defense commentary tomorrow.

Thanks again to everyone!


YAY! Congrats Dr. Peter!!! I'm so thrilled, and I know exactly how it is. :) Can't wait to hear all the blow by blow! Get some well deserved sleep.

Congratulations Dr Janiszewski enjoy your accomplishment.

Congratulations, Dr Janiszewski! I remember the day of my husband's Phd defense. Whew...

Congratulations, Doctor Peter!

After I finished mine I laid down and cried for like an hour. I was so exhausted that even though my then girlfriend now wife had put on a nice set of silken lacy things, I had no interest whatsoever in doing anything other than staring at the television.

If course, I still drank back then.

I've been reading you guys for a while now and feel like my little boy is growing up. Congrats Dr. J!

Congrats! I hope you don't give up Obesity Panacea. I look forward to reading it every time.

Congratulations! After I defended my thesis, all I wanted to do was sit on a bench in the park with all the old people and feed the squirrels.

Congrats! Fantastic job!!


By Nicolas Keller (not verified) on 01 May 2010 #permalink