My First Bacon

A bunch of you sent me

Like my father used to say when we'd cook Bacon: "Check your toes!"

Also, someone is bacon salt. I tried it on popcorn and I have to say that I wasn't hooked. But then again I like "Spike" on my popcorn.

And, on a not so safe for work bacon note (NUDITY IMPLIED?) Bacon Bra.

Finally here is what April fools day looked like for our household:
Now what can I think to do with a giant six foot Sonic? Hmm...


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By Chris Granade (not verified) on 02 Apr 2010 #permalink

Bacon or Bagels? Higher Fat at Breakfast May Be Healthier Than You Think

ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2010) â The age-old maxim "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper" may in fact be the best advice to follow to prevent metabolic syndrome, according to a new University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) study....

Journal Reference:

Bray et al. Time-of-day-dependent dietary fat consumption influences multiple cardiometabolic syndrome parameters in mice. International Journal of Obesity, 2010; DOI: 10.1038/ijo.2010.63

Did you know that most of the "bacon" in the World is higher quality than the belly cuts used in USA? Just FYI, from Wikipedia:

Bacon is prepared from several different cuts of meat. In the United States, it is almost always prepared from pork belly. Elsewhere, it is more often made from side and back cuts, and bacon made from bellies is referred to as "streaky", "fatty", or "American style". The side cut has more meat and less fat than the belly. [However!] Bacon may be prepared from either of two distinct back cuts: fatback, which is almost pure fat, and pork loin, which is very lean. Bacon-cured pork loin is known as back bacon.

You might like this site, Dave:
Here's the top post:
If disaster strikesâ¦
I will live off bacon:

[gives a link]