Pick a Seal, Any Seal

Lots of my fellow ScienceBloggers have been playing with the Official Seal Generator (Tara, Steinn, Bora, and Josh, and probably others by the time this posts). I'm just punchy enough to play along, but I can't decide which way to go with this. So, below the fold, I present the competing options for the Official Seal of Uncertain Principles. Vote for your favorite in the comments, if you're so moved:

Serious option:


Silly option:



More like this

I disapprove of the drawing of that carbon atom. I don't think the orbitals are right.

And isn't the whole "electrons-whizzing-around-nucleus- like-little-planets" thing a bit outdated?

A real Seal Generator needs to also incorporate an Automatic Latin Translator for generating mottoes.

By Cryptic Ned (not verified) on 01 Sep 2006 #permalink

A real Seal Generator needs to also incorporate an Automatic Latin Translator for generating mottoes.

Sadly, four years of high school Latin did not stick well enough for me to be able to translate "Oooo! Shiny Thing!"

The dog. Definately the dog.

I agree with andy; a pre-quantum solar system atom is inworthy to represent Uncertain Principles. How about overlapping p and x bell curves?

You know, you always need something on the reverse of the seal. Just an observation.

By James Angove (not verified) on 01 Sep 2006 #permalink

You know, you always need something on the reverse of the seal. Just an observation.

The back side has either the master equation of my grand unified theory, or a list of 80's pop song lyrics. You don't know which until you look.