Thursday Night Dog-Blogging


Emmy says "Boring posts about religion and politics make me sad. You should post more about me."

There'll be news to make her happy in the next week or so. Until then, here's a picture.


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HAHAHAHAHA! Thats one pissed pup! What did you do to her?? Thats the look I get when I act like we're going on a walk, and then get distracted doing something else-- pissed puppy stare. Or is she just tired? Thats so funny!

That look is actually "The House Is On Fire." Kate was frying some stuff for dinner, and there was a bit of smoke in the kitchen, which the dog finds very distressing. On one occasion, she fled all the way upstairs, and wouldn't come down until after the smoke was completely gone.

There'll be news to make her happy in the next week or so.

Now if that isn't a lead in to .... something?

I cropped it that way because it makes her look even sadder. It's a deliberate artistic decision.

Also, it leaves plenty of room for the macro...


Is her foot okay? It looks odd.

Her back right paw is has no toes, just a pad. We think it's a birth defect rather than an old injury, because she doesn't really react if you poke at it.

She does three-leg it from time to time when we're out on walks, but it really doesn't slow her down much.