Atheist Charity: The Final Chapter

A while back, I posted a call for non-religious charities, and donated $200 to two organizations recommended by readers. Having done that, I would be remiss in my duties as a blogger if I didn't mention the ne plus ultra of atheist charities, the newly launched Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

Ten of the eleven missions listed are about the promotion of atheism, making it more like a missionary organization than the Red Cross, but the list does include:

7. Charitable giving by secularists to humanitarian good causes. Major disasters like earthquakes or tornados prompt a desire by decent people of all persuasions to help. Many would-be donors, for various reasons prefer our gifts to go via secular rather than religious charities RDFRS will hope to maintain a list of charities, worldwide, which are not associated with religious institutions or missions.

So, good on him.


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The best way to save the world is to allow its non-viable portions to suffer their own poxy palsied hands undiluted. Ignorance can be educated, stupidity is forever. The alternative eructates ongoing sucking wounds like contemporary US public education and the Safety Net.

An advocate makes virtue of failure. The worse the cure the better the treatment - and the more that is required. Hunger is weather, famine is politics.

Planned Parenthood, insofar as I know, has no religious agenda. And lots of sky-fairy crazies hate PP with a white-hot heat.

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 15 Sep 2007 #permalink