Pimp Me New Music

It's been over a month since I last hit iTunes for new music, which is a long time for me. I'm going to be going on a mini buying spree tonight, so I have a simple question for my musically inclined readers:

What albums from the last couple of months should I be getting at iTunes?

I know there's a new Rilo Kiley, and a new New Pornographers, but I'm sure there are other essential albums that I need to buy. So what are they?


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There's a great album from a few months ago that most people missed. Ola Podrida. I'll buy it for you if you don't like it. Seriously. You have my email address. Also, the new Okkerville River is excellent excellent excellent. It's called "The Stage Names."

By Matt Bull (not verified) on 25 Sep 2007 #permalink

30 Year Low by The Mendoza Line has 3 good songs that belong on a Bob Dylan sound-a-like album and 5 songs that are excellent.

The Great Unwanted by Lucky Soul has a nice pre-Beatles pop feeling, and is full of earcandy songs.

The best new stuff I've heard recently:

Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala
Richard Hawley - Lady's Bridge
Broken Social Scene Presents Kevin Drew - Spirit If..
Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - 100 Days, 100 Nights
Akron/Family - Love Is Simple
Tinariwen - Aman Iman (Water Is Life)
Beirut - The Flying Club Cup
Andy Palacio & the Garifuna Collective - Wátina

The new Rilo Kiley is pretty good, but I enjoy "More Adventurous" more.

I don't know how mellow you like it, but Joe Henry's new "Civilians" is incredible. And I'm in love with Eleni Mandell, so I highly recommend her newest "Miracle of Love". Sylvie Lewis put out another Bohemian style album back in June called "Translations".

On the more uptempo note, take a listen to "Our Ill Wills" by the Shout Out Louds, another good Swedish pop band. All Music Guide compare them to the Cure (whom I loathe), but I would feel more comfortable with an XTC or, more recently, Dogs Die in Hot Cars.

By Harry Abernathy (not verified) on 25 Sep 2007 #permalink

I previewed the new New Pornographers (...Challengers is the name, maybe?) on iTunes last week and was not impressed. I got turned on to them with Twin Cinema though so I'm not a hardcore fan.

Stars has a new album out as of earlier this year (In Our Bedroom After The War). I've always regarded them as New Pornographers-esque but that may just be because I picked both of them up at the same time. I like about half the songs on IOBATW but they have some older stuff I enjoy more of.

You shouldn't be getting any new music at iTunes, unless for some reason you prefer to own a proprietary format laden with DRM. Shop at Amazon's new MP3 store:

Announcing Amazon MP3

The four albums I've gotten most recently that I'm really enjoying are Spoon's Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, The National's Boxer, Bishop Allen's The Broken String, and Mark Ronson's Version. For the ast one you can probably get away with the first six tracks and Just. Au Revoir Simone's latest is also good but might be a little twee for your tastes.

I haven't heard whole of the new Jens Lekman - and iTunes only has it for preorder - but the song Friday Night at the Drive-In Bingo is excellent.

I'll second the Spoon recommendation. Also Andorra by Caribou. As for the new The New Pornographers album, I was disappointed at first listen but after playing it a few times I came to like it a lot. It's just mellower than their previous records.

I recommend You Follow Me by Nina Nastasia and Jim White. It's short, but highly memorable set.