LOLEmmy: Unsatisfactory Toys

It's Saturday, and it's Homecoming weekend at Union, so I'll be over on campus watching sporting events for a good chunk of the day. That means it's a perfect time to pay off another blog purchase, this one from Rajesh Vaidya who asked for LOLEmmys, at least five pictures worth.

There are two problems with this request: First, the Queen of Niskayuna is much too dignified to speak in LOLCat. More importantly, though, I'm not very good at coming up with these. However, that's why I have clever readers. So, here's a picture:


And here's my lame attempt at a caption:


I'm sure somebody out there can do better, though, so feel free to suggest better captions in comments.

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Personally, I find the ungrammaticalness of LOLcats really annoying so I think Colin M's first attempt is the funniest (sorry, funnier than yours, Chad).

LOLEmmys, sounds like the web animal captioning awards of choice.