University of Pharyngula?

One of the alternately entertaining and depressing things about the culture wars in the US is the existence of a sort of parallel academic universe, in the form of vanity universities like Oral Roberts University, Bob Jones University, and Jerry Fallwell's Liberty University. These provide both a thin veneer of credibility for pseudo-academic nonsense and a launching point for hilarious academic misconduct.

There's really nothing comparable on the militant atheist side. But here's your chance, Pharynguloids: Myers University is for sale:

Don't write the obituary for Myers University yet. The judge who granted a temporary restraining order on Monday to stall closure plans now says he hopes to help broker a sale.

Granted, I had never heard of Myers University before this morning, but you have to admit, this is a perfect opportunity. They even spell it correctly.

You'll have to act quickly, because they have a prospective buyer already lined up, but you're not going to get a better chance to have an atheist vanity university. Think of it-- you could put together a theology department staffed entirely by god-deniers, hire faculty and then censure them for going to church, have lurid affairs with department secretaries...

I think this is just what the culture wars need.

Hat-tip: Inside Higher Ed

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Someone needs to design a squid cap and gown.

By Some lurker (not verified) on 12 Dec 2007 #permalink

It could be worse...they used to be Dyke University. These people definitely need a little marketing help, and The Fightin' Squids are just what they need to get back on top, so to speak.

Thanks for thinking of me in the same breath that postulates the need for a ghetto for "pseudo-academic nonsense and a launching point for hilarious academic misconduct."

Thanks for thinking of me in the same breath that postulates the need for a ghetto for "pseudo-academic nonsense and a launching point for hilarious academic misconduct."

Hey, man, no problem. Any time.