Cephalopod Knitmas

One of the highlights of this year's Christmas haul: knitted cephalopods!


That's an octopus and a giant squid, knitted from spun awesome by my sister's partner. The tentacles have pipe cleaners (or something) in them, so they're poseable.

They're currently sitting on top of the tv, but they're not all that stable there. We'll find them a more permanent home after the holidays, when we reclaim our fireplace's mantel from the holiday cards.

Thanks, Anastasia!


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Awesome. I'm about to start learning to knit and now I'll have to add cephalopods to my list of things I want to knit one day.

By marciepooh (not verified) on 27 Dec 2007 #permalink

Is the pattern available? If so, where?

Really cool! Can't decide which one I like better - the octopus looks cooler from this angle, I think. Hmm, perhaps get some takoyaki tonight...

eep! i've been remiss in failing to let y'all know where those patterns came from. they can be had for a modest price at the hansigurumi etsy shop, which you can find here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5162135

she's also got a dumbo octopus, a cuttlefish, and a nudibranch, among others. the patterns have excellent detail and tons of photos to walk you through the sometimes agonizing construction process.

for those of you who don't knit, she also sells the finished product... for a price.

By anastasia (not verified) on 13 Jan 2008 #permalink