Congratulations to Texas Tech coach Bob Knight, who extended his own NCAA record by winning his 900th game as a coach against Texas A&M last night. Knight being Knight, he couldn't get through this without a tiny display of churlishness:

After the game fans chanted Knight's name as he walked off the court to a thunderous ovation.

''You folks being here, seats being full for a change, really made a difference tonight,'' Knight told the crowd before leaving the court.

He's nobody's idea of a nice guy, but he sure can coach basketball.

Unfortunate mental image after the cut:

Clip from Frank Miller's 900:

NCAA President Myles Brand, watching a Knight practice: This is madness!

Knight: Madness?!? This! Is! LUBBOCK!!! {kicks Brand down a well}

You're welcome.


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Wouldn't Knight use a chair instead of kicking?

Just, um, askin'....

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 17 Jan 2008 #permalink