Watch Your Back, David Attenborough

One of my colleagues in biology just finished his Comparative Vertebrate anatomy course. For the final class projects, he has teams of students make little videos presenting the results of their research into some aspect of vertebrate anatomy. Such as, for example, this Sesame Street episode on flying snakes:

The full set of videos are available on Scott's YouTube page, labelled "2009 - CVA." The fake "Colbert Report" segment on polar bears even has a blooper reel.

If you're looking for a way to kill a few minutes in a biology-themed activity, you could do a lot worse than watching these.

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There's a known bug with YouTube embeds, where if you have the page up for too long before hitting "Play," it throws the "no longer available error. Try reloading, and see if it plays.

(It worked fine for me a minute ago...)