Thursday Baby Blogging 061710

No elaborate pose this week, just simple, classic Baby Blogging:


A few months back, her weight had failed to increase as quickly as expected, so she had a couple of weight-check appointments scheduled. The latest was this week, when it was discovered that she had gained about three pounds since the last check-up (the proportional equivalent of me gaining 25-30 pounds) two months ago. She's now right back on track at the weight expected for a Great Big Baby.

And she's still the cutest thing in the world. She has recently become fascinated with cars and trucks, pointing them out all the time, and making "Vroom!" noises, or saying "Go go go" when we're driving. She's also a big fan of the World Cup-- she doesn't get the finer nuances of the game, but she delights in saying "Soc-ka!" whenever the games are on.

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I like the simle, classic baby blogging pictures! These are best for reference. She looks especially poised and confident in this picture. Good for her!

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 18 Jun 2010 #permalink