Eureka on "Inquiry"

While I've managed to generate a lot of blog traffic talking about football, I sort of suck at turning that into book sales. Sigh. I am, however, continuing to do interviews in support of Eureka: discovering Your Inner Scientist, the most recent of which is this one with WICN's Inquiry, hosted by Mark Lynch.

This covers a bunch of topics that haven't been talked about in other interviews, so if you're a completist, I recommend that. And if you're just here for the football talk, well, there's a bit of that, too, toward the end. I did have some trouble getting the audio to work properly in Chrome, though, so watch out for that.

There are a couple more podcast/ radio interviews scheduled, but I'm always happy to do more; if you run one, drop me a line, and we can work something out.

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