New Book Alert: "Breakfast With Einstein"

So, I tweeted about this yesterday, but I also spent the entire day feeling achy and feverish, so didn't have brains or time for a blog post with more details. I'm feeling healthier this morning, though time is still short, so I'll give a quick summary of the details:

-- As you can see in the photo (taken with my phone at Starbucks just before I took these to the post office to mail them), I signed a contract for a new book. Four copies, because lawyers.

-- The contract is with Oneworld Publications in the UK, who had a best-seller on that side of the pond with How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog.

-- The working title of the book is Breakfast With Einstein, and the subject matter is basically this talk I gave at TEDxAlbany:

The basic idea is to use ordinary morning activities as a hook to talk about the quantum physics underlying everyday phenomena.

-- The due date for the book is in December 2017, publication to be sometime in 2018. Probably. You know, publishing-- everything is subject to change.

-- There is not yet a US publisher for this book-- we've had some interest, but to my great sorrow and annoyance, Eureka didn't sell well, and that makes things difficult. We're still working on getting a publisher for this side of the Atlantic, and when that happens, I'll post another cell-phone photo of legal documents. If you're a publisher and this sounds interesting, please drop me a line and I'll put you in touch with my agent...

I've known about this for a while-- we agreed to the deal on election day last November, so at least one good thing happened that day-- but transatlantic business deals are more complicated, so it took a while to get everything set up. And now, I've signed the contracts, and I guess I need to write the book. Once I have brains and time for that, which is not this morning.

The traditional photo of a pile of signed contracts for a new book, just before mailing them. The traditional photo of a pile of signed contracts for a new book, just before mailing them.

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Have you approached anyone at Amazon? I ask as they are very connected plus push ebooks for publishers. LinkedIn is full of key folks at Amazon who can help you network inside Amazon to their publishing and partner teams who can even help with intros.

By Karen Hurst (not verified) on 01 Feb 2017 #permalink

Congratulations - looking forward to (somehow) getting hold of it.