Hello, ScienceBlogs [SciencePunk]

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As some sharp-eyed reader may have already spotted, the SciencePunk blog has relocated to the Seed Media Group's ScienceBlogs. Let's take a moment to absorb these new surroundings.

OK, done? Those of you who have already run back to check sciencepunk.com will find it too has changed substantially. Drama abounds!

From today, the whole SciencePunk caboodle is getting cranked up a notch. Wave goodbye to the version 5 we all knew and loved, and say hello to version 6. (Ah, you always wondered what that stray /v5 signified, didn't you? Why not check out v4? Web 1.0-tastic!) The site has now been diversified and distributed, so that the blogging section will now come exclusively via ScienceBlogs. Back at SciencePunk central you'll find this blog on feed, a new mini-feed of links I've found interesting but have no time to write about, separate sections for longer articles, videos, and possibly a non-science blog to vent all the wonderful and disturbing things that thrash about like angry eels in my head. Although the invitation to start blogging from the Seed servers was a pleasant surprise, the SciencePunk upgrade has been on the books for a long while.

If you've already signed up to the SciencePunk.com rss feed, then by the miracle of .htaccess code you should receive updates of all new material, both on SciencePunk.com and ScienceBlogs. If not you can sign up here.

Kudos to Arikia at ScienceBlogs for humouring my many questions and demands with grace and expedience. If anything isn't working as it should be, please don't hesitate to tell me. Abusive comments will be tolerated so long as they're funny. Regular blogging will commence once everything is running smoothly, and by golly there's a lot to write about...

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As some sharp-eyed reader may have already spotted, the SciencePunk blog has relocated to the Seed Media Group's ScienceBlogs. Let's take a moment to absorb these new surroundings. OK, done? Those of you who have already run back to check sciencepunk.com will find it too has changed substantially…
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Those of you who follow me on Twitter will probably remember that around the time Scienceblogs shifted to a new format, I was busy doing a final piece of development on my old website, SciencePunk.com. I felt it had sat in stasis for too long, and I’d outgrown a lot of the views and content on…