Why I rock

i-8331b2731625b4f76eb9b41d61fe22d6-Habanero.jpgTo the right you see a habanero pepper, 100-350 K Scoville units (Jalapeno is 2.5-8 K). I can eat 2 habeneros in one sitting and enjoy it. And what does not kill you can cure cancer. Hot dog! On the other hand, if I want something which is a little less spicey and has a more tangy, aromatic flavor, I really enjoy green Thai peppers. I'm the spicey ScienceBlogger.


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It's one thing to get them down. It's when they re-emerge that they're at their most painful.

I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! I can handle green Thai, but I have not yet been able to conquer the habanero. But Wilkins is right: it's like being born a genius and then bragging about your GRE scores. Grrrr.

To the right you see a

Oh, you mean your other right!

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 30 Aug 2006 #permalink

Just because you we born with fewer Capsaicin receptors than the rest of us doesn't make you more manly than we normally endowed folk...

tell that to the ladies....

Your nuts.

Next you'll be telling us about the time you poured alcohol over your wounds for fun.

tell that to the ladies

What would really be convenient for these purposes would be insensitivity to lactobaccillus. Oh yeah, I went there.

I'm the spicey ScienceBlogger

So who're the Sporty, Scary, Baby, and Posh ScienceBloggers?

I can eat Habanero's whole. Granted i get a bad red rash on my neck and my eyes water and nose starts to drip. But thats ok!