Correlated response?

i-48811f3e3667b6676eb12655c4e069dc-yglesias.jpgI was surprised to see Matt Yglesis on today, arguing with Ross Douthat...he seems shockingly elfin in his countenance compared to his normal appearance. And interestingly, his voice is far more masculine! I wonder if this is some form of correlated response on the scale of ontogeny?


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Yglesias has also been wrongly suspected of being short. "Do I have a short-person writing style?", he asked.

By John Emerson (not verified) on 18 Nov 2006 #permalink


The Iraq section in the video dialog frat boy Chet has linked to is most worthwhile, unlike virtually all current Iraq commentary and debate. It's the most perceptive laying out of realistic options from here and their likely consequences and pitfalls I've seen anywhere.

The preceding Jim Webb section's also pretty good.

The mistake has been fixed; it is really Spencer Ackerman.

By James Kabala (not verified) on 19 Nov 2006 #permalink