The Hungry Birds in My Back Yard


We got a squirrel-free bird feeder a little while back, and since putting it up have been attracting huge numbers of these little greyish-brown guys to the yard. We've got some more interesting birds as well-- there's a pair of cardinals, and a couple of blue jays as well, but more often than not, the feeder is covered by these guys.

I figured I ought to occasionally post pictures of something other than the dog, and I know that some people around ScienceBlogs are into birds, so here you go. I couldn't get the cardinal to pose.

(The title is a reference that maybe one person reading this will get, but I'm easily amused...)


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Not related to these birds, but once in grad school I was eating lunch outside with my girlfriend, and a bluejay landed on her head. It just sat there for a while. It's really amazing how quickly wild animals can lose their fear of humanity.

The lower one looks like a female house sparrow. So I think you have them covered.

You should try a finch feeder; I would imagine you'll see goldfinches and house finches fairly easily, and often a few others.

Feeders are a lot of fun. You never know what's going to show up.

House sparrows.
