A Bracket for Everything, and Everything In Its Bracket

Posting has been basketball-heavy of late because, well, there isn't much else going on that I find all that interesting at the moment. More importantly, though, it's the Season of the Bracket...

I'm not the only one affected, of course, though many people who don't care about hoops have to find other outlets for the impulse to construct match-ups between various concepts, and arrange them in a single elimination tournament:

I'm sure there are others out there. If I've missed anything good, drop a link in the comments.

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We were damn near harassed into filling out a bracket/pool thingie at Hooters last night despite our insistence that our choices would essentially be as random as if we put it on the wall and threw darts at it (actually, almost certainly more random...I'm pretty good at darts).

It's hard to mind harassment when it's being perpetrated by a stunning young Brazilian woman, but still...

They left out the most common argument men and women have.

I told you that
No you didn't
Yes I did
No you didn't
Yes I did -- you never listen to a thing I say