What Your Canadian Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics, Eh

Having been on hiatus for a couple of months has made me forget my obligation for self-promotion via the blog, but I should note one fast approaching public appearance: I'll be at the University of Waterloo next weekend, where they are celebrating the opening of their shiny new Quantum and Nano Center with an Open House on Saturday, September 29, featuring a bunch of public events. Two of these involve me: first, at 12:30 pm, my "What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics" talk:

Chad Orzel, author of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, will explore everything you — and your canine best friend — need to know about entanglement, superposition and other wonders of quantum science.

(Actually, entanglement isn't in the talk, but whatever. I can answer questions about it at the end.) A little later, at 4pm, there's a panel discussion:

Panel Discussion: Bridging Worlds

A panel of world-leading experts researchers and experts will explore how quantum science “bridges words” — the worlds of macro and micro, of our intuition and our experience, of present-day reality and future possibilities. Moderator Ivan Semeniuk, editor of Nature News, will lead a lively, wide-ranging discussion between Raymond Laflamme (Executive Director, Institute for Quantum Computing), Tom Brzustowski (expert on Canadian innovation), Chad Orzel (author of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog) and more.

There's more detailed information about where these will take place, and how to get tickets at the link above. If you're in the Toronto-ish area, and would like to hear me talk about dogs, quantum physics, and other stuff, come check it out.


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