Soda vs. Pop (and Coke)

The post on soft drink terms has elicited a great deal of response (on my other blog as well). Many people want a little more granularity; well, it was brought to my attention that Google Maps based survey is up. You can vote and increase the N. I ask all American readers interested in the topic to participate (doesn't look like it takes Postal Codes, only Zips), as it will offer us even more detail. My "blog reader surveys" usually return around 400 responses so I hope I can increase the sample size multiplicatively....

(if you have a weblog, you might want to link too!)


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Apparently the poll traffic has crashed the server. I'll try again later.

All seems to be fine now! My host randomly will have issues with their database server due to a shared hosting setup.

The traffic didn't crash the server, but one of the other customers hangs the database connection for one reason or another.

Thanks for the post and I hope I can get some more votes!!

Sadly, I always refer to it as a soft drink (as did my parents before me)-- never as soda, pop, or coke. So my answer is not a choice in the survey.