How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Now With More Quantum

If you're in the UK, you may very well be thinking "You know, I love the idea of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, but I find American idiom very intimidating. If only there were an edition just for people like me..."

Well, hypothetical UK person, your prayers have been answered:


This is the cover for How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog, coming this fall from Oneworld books to a bookshop on the high street near you. With "yard" changed to "garden," and other minor linguistic tweaks to make it more comprehensible in Merrie Olde England and other such places. Also, an index, which the original edition does not have.

This will be the third edition (American hardcover, Brazilian paperback, UK paperback), with a whole bunch more on the way (US paperback, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Czech, Spanish, and audio (how that will handle the pictures, I have no idea). We have yet to figure out how to parlay this into Total World Domination, but rest assured, Emmy is working on it.

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I suppose to be fair to any Antipodean readers, I ought to specify that it's sue out in October, lest they expect it in their backwards, water-draining-the-wrong-way autumn rather than ours.

As silly as I think it is to have an English translation of your book, I much prefer the cover and title of the UK edition.

Congratulations on the 3rd edition, as well as all those on the way.

By Anonymous Coward (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

Oh, so cute! I'll put it on my uk amazon wishlist for sure. I really like the design. (Even if it says p=mv.)

Indexes are great!

And congratulations indeed - have you even visited all the countries that will be publishing your books? :D

That's extremely good timing - out within a week of "Towers of Midnight". :-) That won't hurt in making sure I remember to get my copy - added to the wish list!