End of Year Self-Promotion

I will eventually do a "Year in Blog" post with a bunch of links to top posts and so on, but not until the year is actually over. At the moment, I'm too busy prepping next term's class to do all the link chasing.

That doesn't mean I can't engage in a little self-promotion, though. After all, my second book, How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog will be out at the end of February. And the first pre-publication review is in, from Publishers Weekly:

Physics professor Orzel follows his How to Teach Physics to Your Dog with a compact and instructive walk through Einstein's theory of relativity, using the same conceit of lecturing to his preternaturally intelligent and curious dog, Emma. Orzel enthusiastically tackles this elusive subject in chapters with titles like "Time Slows When You're Chasing Bunnies" and "The Unified Theory of Critters." The cuteness quotient is high, but the dialogues between author and dog are helpful in explaining the difficult and counterintuitive aspects of relativity.

Emmy's a little grumpy that they misspelled her name-- "This wouldn't happen if you listed me as a co-author..."-- but a few treats took care of that problem. And, hey, she's preternaturally intelligent.

There's a little more to the review-- I didn't want to copy the whole thing, short though it is, but you can click through to read it. And when you come back, you can click the above link to pre-order it at Amazon, or if you prefer Barnes and Noble or Powell's.

This reminds me, I need to update dogphysics.com with information about the new book. Because I don't have enough to do as it is.

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Great news. It'll make a perfect birthday present for my physics-loving son (and we hope soon to be physics-studying once the university application results are in).